Kamis, 06 April 2017

Korean Food: Dakjuk

Dakjuk is a Korean dish made of chicken meat are boiled in water and mixed seasonings of garlic and onion. And then added the rice and cooked until done. Dakjuk main ingredient is rice, chicken, and garlic.
Once cooked chicken result as a thick porridge with a strong onion flavor. Dakjuk much liked by children and people recuperating because the food is not spicy and easy to digest.
Soups Chicken Porridge typical Korean, already well-known nutrition, because it is usually synonymous with Korean cuisine dish of chili for this one. Soups Chicken Porridge or Dakjuk Korean language is much in the allocation for food for the ailing, because the texture is smooth, nutritious and easy to digest, in addition to good to increase stamina during Dakjuk also eye-sore to keep warm during winter. Dakjuk is different from the Chicken Soup recipe in many countries, the materials used are very simple, consisting only of chicken, red onions, green onions and rice.

  • 1 cup of rice, soak for 30 minutes, drain
  • 1 piece of chicken breast, wash
  • 1 vertebra ginger peeled, sliced
  • 1 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil
  • 2 tsp salt
  • 8 cloves garlic
  • 8 glasses of water

How to make:
  1. Enter the chicken breasts into a large pot containing 8 cups of water, add the garlic, ginger and pepper. Cook for 40-45 minutes on medium heat.
  2. After the chicken cooked, turn off the heat. Remove the chicken and suir-suir.
  3. Strain the broth through a colander. Separate the garlic and ginger into another container.
  4. Pour 4 cups broth back into the pot and then fill in rice and salt.
  5. Cook for 20 minutes over medium heat, cover the pan while stirring occasionally until the pulp was strong.
  6. Dakjuk Serve while warm with soup bowls, sprinkle with sesame on top.

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Korean Food: Dakjuk
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