Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

Korean Language Vocabulary: Place (장소)

Annyeong haseyo !!! Further, I will share an article about Korean language vocabulary associated with the place that we usually encounter in everyday life and could have been the place where we often go. Happy reading and studying of friends. ^ ^

Place (장소)
가게 [gage]: store (in general)
건물 [geonmul]: building
경찰서 [gyeongchalseo]: police
곰원 [gomwon]: garden
공장 [gongjang]: factory
공항 [gonghang]: airports
교실 [gyosil]: classroom
교회 [gyohoe]: church
극장 [geukjang]: cinema
기숙사 [gasoksa]: dorm
기차역 [gichayeok]: train station
꽃 가게 [kkotkage]: florists
대사관 [daesagwan]: embassy
대학교 [daehakkyo]: university
도서관 [doseogwan]: library
매점 [maejeom]: cafeteria
미용실 [miyongsil]: salon
배화 점 [baehwajeom]: mall
버스 정류장 [beoseu jeongnyujang]: bus terminal
병원 [byeongwon]: hospital
빌라 [pilla]: Condo
사무실 [samusil]: office
서점 [sajeom]: bookstore
시장 [sijang]: market
시청 [sicheong]: the town hall
식당 [Siktang]: diner
아파트 [apateu]: apartment
약국 [yakkuk]: drugstore
오피스텔 [opiseutel]: studio apartment
우체국 [ucheguk]: post office
은행 [eunhaeng]: bank
주유소 [juyuso]: public refueling stations (gas stations)
주택 [jutaek]: housing complex
지하철 [jihacheol]: subway
집 [jeep]: Home
커피 숍 [keopisyop]: coffee shop
학교 [hakkyo]: schools
호텔 [hotel]: hotel
화장실 [hwajangsil]: toilet
회교 사원 [hoegyo sawon]: Mosque
회사 [hwasa]: company

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Korean Language Vocabulary: Place (장소)
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